Highlights from the Hearst
As 2020 comes to a close, we’re excited to share some highlights from the Hearst Museum over the past year. We hope these moments from each month spark curiosity and connection, and that you join us for even more learning and discovery in 2021.
Welcoming new Faculty Director Lauren Kroiz
Opening of the exhibit Cloth that Stretches
Launching the online hub Hearst from Home
Sharing resources for students at Berkeley Museums
Creating art & community with Crochet Jam
Learning with Ask an Archaeologist
Exploring Objects, Fears & the Future in a new online exhibit
Welcoming students back for another year of discovery
Acknowledging the past and making change in UC Land Grab
Celebrating the contributions of women at the Hearst Museum
Weaving language with readings of new work from Nez Perce writers
Lighting the way toward a bright new year
Support the Hearst Museum
As a place where cultures connect, the Hearst Museum aspires to spark insights about what makes us all human. We invite you to join us on this journey as we Light the Way. Your gift of any amount to the Hearst Museum Fund helps us connect cultures and communities to inspire a desire for understanding. Giving to this fund creates new opportunities for access to UC Berkeley students, faculty, and staff, as well as communities of researchers, anthropologists, artists, and cultural leaders from across the globe. Please note deadlines for giving in 2020.