Phoebe Hearst Society
Calendar of Events 2019
March 2019
Exhibit Opening – Pleasure, Poison, Prescription, Prayer: Migrations and Meanings of Mind-Altering Substances
If you sip a cup of coffee, are you on drugs? If you chewed some coca leaves as a tourist in Macchu Picchu, did you do cocaine? If you puff a cigarette, are you abusing a sacred indigenous practice? Are you a candy addict?
Since time immemorial, the peoples of the world have altered their minds with countless plant-based substances. They have done so for many reasons—ranging from pleasure to health to ceremony—and sometimes with harmful effects. In this exhibit, we consider the complex social and economic dynamics behind ten mind-altering substances. Inspired by the work of historian David T. Courtwright, we divide these substances into two categories: the “big four,” or the substances that are widely available and used on an international scale, and the “little six,” or substances that are less wide-ranging geographically or that are often deemed illegal. In many cases, European colonists wielded their power by casting judgment on the substances used by indigenous peoples, and they controlled how those substances have migrated around the world, how people have used them, and how people have viewed them. The Hearst Museum invites you to question your assumptions about these substances and the people who use them.
Open to all Tiers

April 2019
The Beauty of Indigenous Power: National Student Taiwan Indigenous Poster Design Competition Opening Ceremony
The Hearst Museum and the Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines will be hosting a poster exhibit this Spring and Summer celebrating the indigenous cultures of Taiwan. Every two years, the Shung Ye Museum invites students from across Taiwan to submit designs for posters inspired by indigenous motifs and traditions. The Hearst Museum is proud to display a selection of these powerful works of art. Please join us for our opening reception highlighted by a live performance from Ayi-yanga, an indigenous performance group from Taiwan who will be sharing music from the Paiwan and Bunun tribes.
About the Shung Ye Museum
The Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. It is dedicated to promoting mutual understanding between different ethnic groups through careful research, preservation and explanation of the essence of Aboriginal cultures. Achievement of these aims of mutual respect and appreciation will help to create a harmonious and gentle society.
About Ayi-yanga
Ayi-yanga, in the Paiwan language, means “missing very much” with a connotation of greeting, yearning and sorrow. This work is a trail to find the path for traditional folk songs as well as a pilgrimage of searching for both the past and the future. With the collection of essences from traditional culture, it re-interprets traditional folk songs from both Paiwan and Bunun Tribes, rearranged ancient songs, and brand-new compositions.
Open to All Levels

May 2019
Phoebe Hearst Memorial Speaker
This year we celebrate the centennial of Phoebe Hearst’s passing. One way we are honoring her is with a salon style talk set in the home of the museum’s director and a talk given by the museum’s own curator and historian Dr. Ira Jacknis. Dr. Jackins will be presenting the impact Phoebe has had on the field of anthropology and archaeology, her role as a UC Regent and her legacy as an educator. Phoebe was a woman ahead of her time!
Only Available to Explorer, and Adventurer Tiers

June 2019
Hearst Castle: Twilight on the Terrace
Every June, the Friends of Hearst Castle throw a fabulous party at this architectural splendor and storied California landmark: the Hearst Castle at San Simeon. Guests are escorted by bus to this private event that offers a spectacular variety of wines, craft beers, and mouth-watering appetizers sourced from local artisans and producers. This is one of the Golden State’s most beloved events, and is attended by folks coming from near and far. Imagine yourself sipping wine and dancing on the steps of the Hearst Castle! It’s a doozy!
Only Available to Explorer, and Adventurer Tiers